

Apex Logistics supervisor honored by Department of Defense for patriotic support.

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ADELANTO, Calif. – Supervisor James Fuller of the Apex Logistics, LLC was presented with a Patriot Award Dec. 20 by Terry Williams, California Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve volunteer in recognition of extraordinary support of his employee serving in the Guard and Reserve.

Fuller was nominated for being highly supportive of the California Army National Guard by his Reserve Component employee, Sgt. 1st Class Roderick McKee.

“The Patriot Award was created by ESGR to publicly recognize individuals who provide outstanding patriotic support and cooperation to their employees, who like the citizen warriors before them have answered their nation’s call to serve,” said Jim Combs, California ESGR state chair. “Supportive supervisors are critical to maintaining the strength and readiness of the nation’s Guard and Reserve units.”

McKee stated: “My employer - supervisor has provided outstanding leadership, patriotism, and Soldier care in his commitment to my service in the California Army National Guard. He has consistently made provisions for my call, and commitment to military service. During my drill weekends, or any other military related commitment, he readily ensures that my pay remains intact, provisions are made to cover-down on my duties, and to see if I need anything else. My employer is well deserving of this award.”

ESGR, a Department of Defense program, seeks to foster a culture in which all employers support and value the employment and military service of members of the National Guard and Reserve in the United States. For more information about ESGR outreach programs or volunteer opportunities, call (800) 336-4590 or visit

Pictured: Supervisor James Fuller, ESGR Volunteer Terry Williams, Sgt. 1st Class Roderick McKee